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Journalism 390: free speech in schools (focus on the freedom of press in the First Amendment)

Research Paper Instructions:
Journalism 390 Topics: Free speech in schools (focus on the freedom of press - First Amendment) A. Outline of problem and research plan 100 words B. Research notes and rough draft of report on current free press problem 300 words C. Final report on current free press problem 700 words THE TOPIC IS FREE SPEECH IN SCHOOL BUT YOU JUST NEED TO FOCUS ON THE What are the problems of press freedom and censorship of schools (or high school) journalism. And the universal internet access This is the outline you sent to me and I sent to my professor. But this is the short research so you just focus on one point above. You rewrite the outline and then the whole paper because when the outline change the other parts much be changed. Send me an outline first, if it is approved - I will let you know to send me the whole paper.
Research Paper Sample Content Preview:
Free Speech in Schools
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Date of Submission
Research notes and rough draft of report on current free press problem
a) First Amendment Provisions
The provision of the United States constitutions kin regard to the freedom of the press
Problem of Press Freedom and Censorship in Schools
The challenges that face press freedom and the censorship that schools face. This is both highs schools and colleges and especially those that specialize in journalism studies
Current Free Press Problem
General problems faced by the media and the press in their daily activities
The way forward on matters of press freedom in modern society
In almost every country that understands and appreciates the value of democracy, there are three arms of the government. These are the judiciary, the legislature and the executive. The doctrine of separation of powers is intended to effect checks and balances. Each arm should not interfere with the operations of the other. The arms should however check one another to ensure that none of them exercise the powers in excess. The media has been seen in many countries as the four arms of the government hence the name, the fourth estate. The media plays a watchdog role on the three arms of government (Craft & David, 2013). The media therefore looks out on the entire government and keeps the public informed, educated and entertained.
Despite the fact that the constitution has guaranteed the freedom of the media, there have been various attempts to suppress these rights. The press is one of the most powerful instruments in any democracy. However, for most countries which are ruled by dictators, the freedom of the media is heavily suppressed. This is to ensure that the public is not fully informed of what is happening around them. Majority of countries such as Libya and Tunisia and even Egypt have faced restricted freedom of the media. The move was deliberate to ensure that the circulation of information within the public domain is limited.
It is crucial, however to note that even with the continued control of traditional media; the rise of new media has become an alternative. The emergence of social networking platforms has changed the manner in which information is disseminated (Craft & David, 2013). There is not as much control from the government on social media as there has been on the traditional media. The media however still faces a media of challenges as they seek to assert their position in modern day society.
Problems of Press Freedom and Censorship in Schools
It is important to understand that press freedom begins right from the time students are leaning the art of journalism. Before students can finally enter the practice, they must make a few publications in school. In the recent past, it has become increasingly difficult for students to publish their work due to stringent administrative r...
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