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8 pages/≈2200 words
20 Sources
Health, Medicine, Nursing
Research Proposal
English (U.S.)
MS Word
Total cost:
$ 83.52

How Does Burnout Impact The Retention Of Registered Nurses

Research Proposal Instructions:

This assignment builds directly on the literature review AS ATTACHED. In the discussion section, you were asked to focus on gaps, shortcomings or inconsistences in the studies you reviewed as part of your literature review. You will remember that these studies were reviewed in response to your research question.
For assessment 2, you need to provide a research proposal that is sufficiently detailed to allow your project to be replicated. In other words, you must provide a reproducible, step-by-step approach to the implementation of your proposed project.
Section Criteria
Title provides a clear, concise and informative statement of the proposed study or project.
Rationale Cite relevant studies from literature review to explain how research project will address a gap in knowledge or understanding of the topic.
Discussion of the theoretical or methodological framework that describes studies already conducted on this topic.
Aims/objectives/research questions/hypotheses for this research proposal.
Methods Explain methods adopted to address research topic and why these are appropriate.
Locate proposed design within context of existing study designs.
Describes the data collection method(s) to be used, and why, how it will be recorded, with examples of questions that will be asked.
If applicable, report validity indices for validated instruments (e.g. providing information on the sensitivity and specificity of the instrument/s).
Describe how rigour and reliability of study design and findings for quantitative studies and trustworthiness and credibility for qualitative studies will be ensured.
Setting and Participants Describe where the research will take place and why this setting is appropriate.
Provide details of how participants will be accessed.
Describes how participants will be selected and how sampling strategy fits with methodology and/or research question.
Describe the inclusion and exclusion criteria for selecting participants (e.g. age range, education, etc.).
Analysis Describe the analytical approach and how it fits data and research question.
Type/s of statistical tests appropriate to the type of data/variables obtained.
Numeric and/or narrative data, and process of data analysis.
Type of variables yielded. Relationship between the Method section and Analysis on grounds of data variables to be collected and analysed.
Ethics Identifies pertinent ethical issues and plan to deal with these.

Research Proposal Sample Content Preview:
Research Proposal Name Institutional Affiliation Research Proposal TITLE How does burnout impact the retention of registered nurses in surgical units? A qualitative research proposal. INTRODUCTION The level of nurse burnout has been on the rise, especially amon...
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