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2 pages/≈550 words
2 Sources
Research Proposal
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Analyze Views Of Women's Reproductive Solutions In The 19th Century And Interpret Their Historical And Contemporary Impact

Research Proposal Instructions:

Topic: Analyze views of women's reproductive solutions in the 19th Century and interpret their historical and contemporary impact.
1. Project proposal
Create 2 pages that references one academic scholarly source for the research project you intend to complete. This project should engage at least one academic source, should include an introduction and thesis to the best extent that you know it at this point in time, and should locate a central controversy that requires deft and subtle handling. Be sure to adhere to APA style for in-text citation and final reference page.

Research Proposal Sample Content Preview:

Views of Women's Reproductive Solutions in the 19th Century and their Historical and Contemporary Impact
Course Title:
Views of Women's Reproductive Solutions in the 19th Century and their Historical and Contemporary Impact
Religion had a negative impact on women’s reproductive solutions during the 19th century. Historically, such problem was rooted in religious assumptions regarding sexuality and gender (Ruether, 2006). Arousell and Carlbom (2016) argue that the impact of both culture and religion on reproductive and sexual behavior as well as health care utilization is widely recognized in contemporary studies. Some of the studies hold that religious impact on women’s reproductive solutions reflects reproductive and sexual health outcomes (Arousell & Carlbom, 2016). Particularly, religion affiliation had a great influence on various reproductive issues, including abortion, contraception, and anesthetic usage. However, there is limited literature about the influence of religion on women’s views regarding reproductive solutions. In light of this, this proposed study examines the impact of religion on women’s views about reproductive solutions including contraceptive use, abortion, and anesthetic usage during the 19th century.
Significance of the Study
The proposed study will facilitate the researcher to gain insight into the impact that religion had on women’s perception of their reproductive solutions. Specifically, the study will delve into the influence of Christianity on reproductive and sexual matters, including abortion, contraceptive usage, and anesthetic usage during childbirth. With regard to abortion, the study will examine the different historical classifications of abortion.
Research Question
The proposed study will be guided by the following four research questions:
1 What was the traditional Christian perception of abortion and its influence on women?
2 What is the influence of Christianity on women’s perception of contraception?
3 What is the influence of Christianity on women’s perception of anesthetic usage?
4 How has the tradition Christian perception of abortion, contraception, and anesthetic usage changed over time since the 19th century?
The proposed study ...
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