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Literature & Language
Research Proposal
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 3.6

Infinity and Beyond: Research

Research Proposal Instructions:

List 5 different ways to use one article on a topic to find others on the same topic.
List 5 specific keywords you think would be useful for doing research for your research paper. ( I will provide my research paper in the attachment)

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Identifying Articles for Research Paper
Writing a proposal paper requires intensive and comprehensive research; thus, it is essential to explore as many articles or scholarly journals as possible. To achieve this objective, you will be required to employ several techniques during your research, such as keywords and authors. Most articles have similar keywords; therefore, if you identify the primary keyword in an article you are working on, it is easy to trace other articles with the same content.
Firstly, find the story's topic, for example, on the Infinity and beyond research paper. In this case, the main topic is "infinity and beyond," not articles with the word Infinity will have the same story you writing. What does that mean? Keyword alone cannot be enough to have substantive evidence to support your research paper. How do you identify the topic? Go through the content of the article you have identified quickly, and then find the print word or main words in the context. This will help in saving time and getting the right c...
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