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1 page/≈275 words
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Health, Medicine, Nursing
Term Paper
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 5.83

Method Plan to Increase the Vaccination Rate in Adult Polpulation

Term Paper Instructions:

Method Plan
 Design:
 Setting:
 Sample:
 Approvals:
 Tools:
 Procedures:
o Interventions:
o Data collection and analysis:
I have already written the method plan, i just want it to be proof read and add a little as needed and remove repititive sentences and change if require and its related to the previous order.
Please let me know if any confusion.

Term Paper Sample Content Preview:
Method Plan
The project is a quality improvement project using evidence-based interventions to increase the vaccination rate in the adult population. Through the retrospective, descriptive, comparative method, the project will evaluate the vaccination rate with the implementation of phone-call reminders in adult COPD patients. Comparative research involves the consideration of at least two non-manipulated entities and determining an ideal formal procedure that allows the collection of criterion data that can be used to compare the two entities. In the present case, the researcher will compare the pneumococcal vaccination rate at Healthy Living Primary Care following the implementation of a phone call reminder. The design was the most appropriate approach as the introduction of phone call reminders and the collection of vaccination rates will allow the collection of descriptive data at baseline and following the implementation of the intervention to determine its effectiveness.
This project will take place in Healthy Living Primary care. Healthy Living Primary care is located in Louisville, Kentucky, and its mission is to implement a wellness-based model and provide evidence-based, individualized care to patients. The facility has three primary care providers, one registered nurse (RN), and three medical assistants (MA). The healthcare providers include a physician working a 10-hour week and two nurse practitioners working full-time. Healthy Living Primary care serves approximately 300 patients daily and provides urgent care for some walk-ins. The patients are of all ages including adults more than 70%. The setting has different facilities including vaccination facilities for children and adults. The MAs use phone call reminders to remind patients of their appointment the day before the appointment.
This project will use a convenience sample of adult COPD patients older than 65 years who are eligible for the pneumococcal vaccine and who seek routine care from January 2023 to March 2023 in Healthy Living Primary Care. Once a convenience sample is identified, purposive sampling will be used to enable the researcher to select ideal participants who meet the inclusion criteria. Patients who are not diagnosed with COPD, have already got the pneumococcal vaccination, and are aged less than 65 years will be excluded.
A unique alphanumeric identifier will be cre...
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