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Writing Process Journal: Research Paper in the field of Military Human Resources

Term Paper Instructions:

Your job is to describe your writing process in as much detail as you can. Imagine you are given a writing assignment. The assignment asks you to write a research paper on a topic related to your field. In this regard, consider the following questions: • Where do you start? • What steps do you take? • Where do you write? • Where do you go for help? you must write a min of 250 words

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Writing Process Journal
Writing a Research Paper in the field of
Military Human Resources
Your name
August 27, 2016
Your Institution of Affiliation
When starting to write a research paper, the first thing that a researcher must look for is the “research problem”. What is the main problem? What am I trying to achieve? What piqued my interests the most? These are just some of the common questions that you might ask when picking out a research question. In my own field – Military Human Resources – I usually start with questions that would directly influence my line of work. An example of this would be; what factors influence the decision of a person in deciding whether to join the army or not? After asking this to yourself, you can now build your hypothesis based on prior knowledge that you have. Going back to the question above, perhaps we can answer this with; ‘the demographic factors that one experiences to encourage him to join the army’. Then comes the part where you start researching and writing. As a common advice with regards to the process of writing, it would be best to write in places where you have a direct access to “peer-reviewed journals” and other credible resources. Most common places like this is your public, school, or your university library. Notice that I emphasized the word “peer-reviewed journals”. This is because in the field of research credibility and validity of your data is highly required. Although it is sometimes accepted, magazines and other printed sources are not really preferred for research work...
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