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Personal Assessment of Strengths Research Assignment

Term Paper Instructions:

Assignment 1: Personal Assessment of Strengths-Attached you will find my results. Please note that my paper should be based on my results and all questions should be answered.
Due Week 3 and worth 200 points
To prepare for this assignment, make sure to complete the StrengthsFinder quiz located in the back of your book. This will take approximately 30 to 45 minutes. Then, view information about your top five strengths at “Start Here - An Overview of the StrengthsFinder Movement,” found at https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch.
Write a one to three (1-3) page paper in which you:
1.Describe your initial reaction to finding out your top five strengths.
2.Explain how your top five strengths relate to your leadership style. Determine how they relate to the key functions you would need to perform as a manager.
3.Determine what traits you need to work on the most to become a good leader. Then, explain whether these traits differ from the strengths you need to be a good manager.
4.Indicate which of your strengths you anticipate you will use the most in college or a future career.
5.Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
a.Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
b.Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, your name, your professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

Term Paper Sample Content Preview:

Personal Assessment of Strengths
Personal Assessment of Strengths
After finding out my five strengths my initial reaction was surprise at how accurate the strength finder turned out to be. I felt that the results revealed exactly who I am. I was surprised how the results matched my personal character. The results described exactly the way I act and behave, which brought out my personality. It became evident to me that the results were able to capture my skills and strengths as an individual. It really made me feel more confident about my strengths, as well as abilities.
My top five strengths relate to my leadership style, which is transformational. As a transformational leader, I focus on high level of communication with those I work with just as my strength of harmony entails. I motivate those I work with by inspiring them to achieve the vision I set because I am an includer and do not like to see anyone left out. I encourage those I work with to enhance a sense of their personal identity, and focus on developing their collective identity because I like to see consistency in the work being performed. I provide support and recognition to the followers so as to achieve the vision through my strengths of adaptability and a sense of responsibility.
These strengths also relate to the key function of planning that I would perform as a manager. Planning would involve coming up with goals, communicating these goals, and mapping out the way to achieve these goals. My strength of responsibility would help me determine the steps I would need to take to achieve these goals. The other key function I would need to perform as a manager is organizing. My strength of adaptability would help in organ...
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