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Personal Model of Leadership. Management Term Paper

Term Paper Instructions:

Throughout the course, you have learned about the skills and theories of business leadership, and you have examined your personal strengths and weaknesses as a leader. In this final paper, you will apply this knowledge by creating your own personal model of leadership.
Address the following when developing your leadership model:
Choose a name for your leadership model, and describe the key components of your model, including the psychological foundations that are the basis of your model. [Course Learning Outcome 1]
Describe the traits and behaviors that are the core of your leadership model, and explain how a leader will utilize these traits and behaviors to achieve organizational objectives. [Course Learning Outcome 6]
Explain what type of leader will be most successful emulating your model and why. [Course Learning Outcome 5]
Describe which of the leadership influence tactics will be most effective for leaders to utilize when applying your model. [Course Learning Outcome 2]
Describe how situational leadership applies to your model. [Course Learning Outcome 3]
Explain the barriers and opportunities that may affect the implementation of your leadership model. [Course Learning Outcome 3]
Your final paper should be a minimum of five pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages. Make sure to use the textbook and a minimum of 3-4 scholarly references to support your statements. Your final paper, including references and citations, must follow APA style.

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Personal Model of Leadership
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Institutional Affiliation
Personal Model of Leadership
As time has changed and technology has taken over, the organizations have become customer-centric. In this way, the significance of leaders and successful leadership has become the need of organizations to become effective and efficient. Therefore, Leadership is known as “the relationship in which one person, the leader, influences others to work together willingly on related tasks to attain that which the leader desires”. According to various sources, economic analysis and records of successful companies, the recognition for a company’s success are being given to the leaders at all levels and in all decisions. Despite the fact that leadership plays a crucial role in organizations and in management, it is also to be highlighted that leaders and leadership can be beneficial in all walks of life. By considering the importance and functionality of leadership, it is also important to present the leadership models that can be used by the managers to influence and motivate their teams in a best possible way (Daft, 2018). Therefore, this essay is going to highlight a leadership model (Situational Leadership), its trait, application and barriers related to a specific leadership model in context of Toyota and how it is being implemented in Toyota.
Situational Leadership as Leadership Model in Toyota
A leadership model is basically a leadership style which can be defined as “theories or ideas on how to lead effectively and/or become a better leader”. Therefore, in this study, the selected leadership model is “Situational Leadership”. As described in the annual reports, Toyota faced a good gain as well as improved its internal organizational environment and working procedures by following the “Situational Leadership” as a model (Annual Reports, 2018). According to a leadership theorist Ken Blanchard “In the past a leader was a boss. Today’s leaders can no longer lead solely based on positional power”. The management situational approach consists of concepts that can be easily understood and can be applied to a variety of business situations. Many Fortune 500 companies use it as the basis for leadership programs. Additionally, Toyota has also used it and has made the working environment more productive with higher profits (Annual Reports, 2018).
Situational Leadership is an adaptive leadership style. However, the leadership styles used in situational leadership i.e: Delegating, Supporting, Coaching and Directing are appropriate and most supportive in terms of motivating and encouraging the employees, dealing effectively with difficult or new situations, providing best conclusion and outcomes and giving knowledge to subordinates. This strategy encourages management to evaluate team members, evaluate many variables in the workplace, and select the management style that best suits their goals and circumstances. Furthermore, Situational leadership is a type of relationship-oriented leadership. He relies on the commander to control the will and ability of the believers. It is therefore considered a “flexible method”. Leaders do not...
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