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Performance Management Proposal

Term Paper Instructions:

The key to successful performance management is the ability to identify, define and recommend an effective action plan that will be accepted and implemented. The "proposal" is the vehicle used to achieve that result. To aid you in developing those skills, you will be expected to present a proposal in both written and oral format as a member of a team.
The length of the paper should be no more than fifteen and no less than four double-spaced word-processed pages. Exhibits, bibliography, and other supplementary items are not included in the calculation.
The paper should contain the following elements:
Purpose of the Program;
Background on the organization with a specific focus on environmental considerations as well as organizational characteristics that are relevant;
Research conducted with no less than 3 "avenues" considered, i.e., the one chosen and two others;
Timetable for implementation of the Program;
Internal resources required;
Anticipated results and how they will be determined; and
Mayo Hotel: Guiding Through Our Appraisal System
1. Purpose of the program
A career with Mayo Hotel provides employees with a comprehensive benefits package. As our employee, you will receive a series of benefits to make your job rewarding through our compensation program. The compensation program at the Mayo Hotel mainly focuses on performance management. We encourage our employees to do employee self-evaluation, which enables employees to look back at their performance and take responsibility for their performance successes and improvement opportunities. After a quantitative employee rating, our employees will have the chance to get one-on-one discussions with managers. This format is the opportunity that we give our employees a chance to make themselves become qualified. As long as our employees work with our performance management appraisal systems, we will offer benefits such as grade promotion, wage increases within-grade promotion, bonus potential, and performance bonus.
It is not required to have experience when starting, so we provide the job training. Our training systems are designed to develop and improve the skills needed to work in the hospitality industry. The training focuses on key skills necessary to provide a great customer experience. We want our employees to practice what they have learned from the training or the other place. Thus, we offer practices of work first and not only a train lecture. This experience allows trainees to quickly see what the job is like and if they are willing to do what it takes to be the best.
Other benefits included in our total compensation package are health insurance, life insurance, and retirement funding, as well as paid sick leave. We also provide two weeks vacation after employees have worked for one year and three weeks for those who have worked for two years.
The purpose of our performance management program is to link performance to merit increases, such as cash payments or other benefits. By having a fair compensation system, we will attract qualified talents as much as we can, increase retention, and reduce turnover. Although we know that compensation packages are not the only thing that motivates people, it is a crucial component. Also, the excellent compensation program can be used to improve employee morale, motivation, and satisfaction. If employees are dissatisfied, this will not only lead to a higher turnover rate but will also bring poor work performance for employees who remain. As a result, our compensation program can also increase the loyalty of the employees.
2. Background
Mayo Hotel was founded in New York City in 1974 and currently ranks as a middle-tier hotel. The hotel has a core competency in customer service, being able to deliver high-quality and timely assistance to all customers. Throughout the years, it has focused greatly on management, recognizing that for customers to be happy, employees have to be happy as well. This is what inspired our performance management program.
Through our performance management program, both employees and the Hotel would be benefitting. Our corporate culture highly values teamwork, and this program would only further reinforce this. Through the program, employees would be analyzing their performance and be given feedback about areas of improvement. At the same time, they would be putting these changes to play and therefore supporting the hotel’s core competency by exercising their refined customer service skills. Given that they would also qualify for benefits such as grade promotion, wage increases within-grade promotion, bonus potential, and performance bonus, their loyalty to the company would also be reinforced.
3. Research Three Avenues
The competitive compensation, as stated, is meant to attract the best talent and skills in the field. However, attracting the best talent does not necessarily mean maintaining the best talent. This should not be interpreted to indicate there is high employee turnover. On the contrary, this means that most talented individuals tend to move toward laxity once they land on employment and survive past the probation period (Anstey et al, 2017). To avoid this, appraisals are done periodically at Mayo Hotel to ensure everyone maintains the standards required for working here. At the Mayo Hotel, performance appraisals are done through several forms of evaluation as explained further.
Basis of Appraisals
Upon passing the interview and right before starting to work, all employees are taken through two weeks of training. First, they are the apprentice of an employee who has been working in the hotel for several years. After this, there is a probationary period to see what the employee learned and how well it fits with the Mayo Hotel standard. During this time, their roles are clearly laid out for them, and they get to know precisely what is expected of them. This is also where the evaluations are introduced, with the first one conducted right before getting on board to serve. The job is mostly behavioral; employees are evaluated against specific performance expectations such as honesty, punctuality, communication skills, productivity, work quality, inter-staff interactions, customer-interactions, enthusiasm, and teamwork. There are three levels of evaluation that are part of the 360-degree feedback model but only the supervisor and clients get to evaluate one as well as a self-evaluation (Aspridis & Kyriakou, 2012). These are done every four months.
Self-Evaluation; here, all the mentioned expectations are scaled. One gets to give themselves a score against each and indicate areas they think they need improving, areas they have improved in, and their strong skills. The downside of self-evaluation is that it is hard to be objective. Employees might overemphasize their strengths or put in too much about their weaknesses. Honestly also one of the myths.
Supervisor Evaluation; during a period of work, one gets to work under more than one supervisor, an two of these get to individually and separately evaluate one. This is meant to check consistency and remove any possible bias. Within the hospitality industry, supervisor evaluation is functional and practical. A person with experience will have the right judge of their lower staff.
Customer Evaluation; being a hospitality-based job, client satisfaction is highly prioritized. As customers are part of the evaluation process, and each willing customer gets to rate the people that served them during their visit. These are then matched to the specific person that helped them and later averaged. The reason Mayo Hotel doesn’t choose this evaluation method is because the feedback of customers is only valuable if they actually put some effort in answering the question.
After all this, the head supervisor gets to sit with each individual and go through the scores received from all angles. After this, an average rating arrives at which then forms the basis of goals for the next period and also used to determines the general training needed for the entire team (Anstey et al, 2017).
4. Findings
We chose to implement supervisors as raters at the Mayo Hotel because supervisors tend to be reliable sources that provide accurate performance appraisals. All supervisors at the Mayo Hotel were chosen because of the number of years they have been on the job, which translates to clear knowledge of the dimensions to be rated, and an understanding of how to measure how well employees have progressed since their hire date. The supervisors at the Mayo Hotel have many years of working experience in the hospitality industry. In addition, supervisors at the Mayo Hotel are required to have experience evaluating subordinates. Most of the supervisors at the Mayo Hotel are firm and provide accurate performance appraisals. On the other hand, some supervisors seem to be making halo errors and in some instances have been too lenient about mistakes that employees have made. These errors have led to the company losing valuable guests to other hotels in New York City. After applying supervisors as raters, we found that even though they are mostly accurate, some key changes need to be made in order to maintain the reputation the Mayo Hotel has worked hard to build over the last 46 years.
5. Cost
The cost of performance appraisal systems can vary. In this case, the Mayo Hotel is already established, and there is already an existing performance appraisal system that needs to be adjusted to make the supervisor ratings more accurate. The cost of performance appraisals can be broken down by pay-per-user, pay-per-employee or pay-per-appraisal. Pay-per-user is when there is a fee for each “user” of the system. This excludes employees that will not be using the appraisal system. However, there can be an implementation fee and fees for training and support. The fees range from $800–$1,500 to set the system up in addition to $3–$10 per user per month. Pay-per-employee is like pay-per-user, but instead of the cost being allocated only to the users of the system, an average amount is given for all the employees at the company. There are similar setup fees but the fee per employee per month ranges from $1.50–$5 instead. Lastly, pay-per-appraisal is when there is a one time need for an individual employee or a group of workers with similar jobs. In the hotel, this model can be used for all the maids or all the bellhops. This model is less popular, but can be cost-effective because there are rarely any setup fees, and the cost per unit is indirectly correlated with the amount employee’s performance is being appraised. In the case of the Mayo Hotel, the most cost-effective model would be pay-per-user because only the supervisors would need access to the appraisal system. There would be support in the case of technical problems and the training would reduce criterion contamination and common errors such as central tendency error, clone error, and spillover error.
6. Recommendations:
Creating a space where you and your employees can produce excellent work and perform to the best of your abilities is no easy task, but with the right strategies, you can make it work. Employee performance management is one of the most important management tools that influence employee growth and organizational development significantly. It is particularly difficult in today's highly regulated business environment with changing employee attitudes. But, in the hospitality industry, squeezing out the very best performance from employees can dramatically impact guest satisfaction and ultimately profitability. In the case of Mayo Hotel,
7. Timetable
Board of Director/ Senior managers
Approval for performance management program
Provides training system
Update status of goals
Update status of goals
Provides feedback
Provides training system
Update status of goals
Update status of goals
Provides feedback /
Next year planning
Provides training system
Update status of goals
Update status of goals
Managers/ All staff
360-degree feedback -Supervisor evaluation
360-degree feedback -Supervisor evaluation
One on one discussion
All employees survey
360-degree feedback -Supervisor evaluation
360-degree feedback -Supervisor evaluation
One on one discussion
All employees survey
360-degree feedback -Supervisor evaluation
360-degree feedback -Supervisor evaluation
One on one discussion
All employees survey
8. Internal Resources
The Performance Management program will serve to improve the overall performance of the company. For the performance program to be effective, key internal resources need to be determined. Having an effective performance management program will help to attract, retain, and motivate employees. Below are resources that will be required to implement a performance management program.
Organizational goals- The use of goals will help to motivate employees and managers to work towards improving performance. Having goals will help align employee performance to the objectives of the company. Goals should be specific. Measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely.
Supervisors and peers may be key resources when conducting appraisals. Supervisors are quite knowledgeable about jobs and how to rate them. They are also aware of what levels of performance are required at each job level; supervisors are believed to be accurate raters. Peers work closely with the rate and are familiar with what their typical performance looks like; this makes them excellent raters.
Performance appraisals may help to determine skill requirements. Without identifying what skills are needed, the company will not know if it needs to provide training or if training programs need to be evaluated. Appraisals also help to assess the strengths, weaknesses, achievements, potential, and competencies of employees concerning their job.
The budget for the program- knowledge of the budget will aid in determining how much can be spent
Documentation of past employee performance will be useful in assessing if employee performance has improved or declined.
The technology available to help create the program- using technology in performance management helps provide relevant data as well as help make the process more streamlined and effective.
9. Anticipated Result
When an organization performs a performance appraisals system, it is necessary to evaluate it every monthly or quarterly based on the organization. One of the main goals of doing a performance appraisal is to assure that employees support the company’s mission and vision. Few results that will enable our organization to enhance and benefit from the overall appraisal system are:
Rating distribution: This format will help our management system honor and compensate good performers and acknowledge their efforts. Whereas it will inform our management and give more time to our poor performers.
Final rating: when the organization gets a year ending result of the performance appraisals, they could use it to analyze the compensation for all the employees
Improvements: with the help of HR metrics like surveys and one-on-one sit down with managers, organizations will be able to identify employee contingency gaps and areas of development in their performances. Taking the necessary steps to help our employees will be beneficial for the organization’s growth as well.
Succession planning: identifying our high potential employees will help the organization plan its future succession. This will let them know which employee can get a promotion and can be nurtured and turn out to be a future leader.
Future reference: the outcome of these performance appraisals would help the organization's training department with some valuable data. This data could be used to plan their training calendar based on that.
10. Follow-up
After implementing the program, we would like to evaluate our appraisal system. First, we would like to evaluate it monthly for at least the first three months. Then we would evaluate it quarterly to see the impact of it in the company. This follow will assure us if the program has worked properly and know if the employees understood how the system is functioning. During our follow-up session, we would like to have a one-on-one conversation with the hotel’s employees because this will ensure if they are doing their work correctly. While having the one-on-one conversation, both the employee and the managers could share some feedback, reflect on it, and try to connect it to their goals. One way we could set our one-on-one conversation is by asking or making them complete a survey or open-handed questionnaire. For the survey, we could add questions like “Was the program informational and helpful for your service?” The answers could be selected as agree, disagree, neutral, strongly agree or strongly disagree. As for the open-handed question, we could ask for opinions. This could help us do a better job next time. These will help both sides design an effective strategy for behavioral change. Along with that, a follow-up conversation will enable us to get some reviews about our appraisals system. We would also like to compare the progress with the managers and the upper management because it will determine if the performance appraisals worked for the company or not.

Term Paper Sample Content Preview:
Creating a space where you and your employees can produce excellent work and perform to the best of your abilities is no easy task, but with the right strategies, you can make it work. Employee performance management is one of the most important management tools that influence employee growth and organizational development significantly. It is particularly difficult in today's highly regulated business environment with changing employee attitudes. But, in the hospitality industry, squeezing out the very best performance from employees can dramatically impact guest satisfaction and ultimate profitability. In the case of Mayo Hotel, the hotel must strengthen its performance appraisal systems in order to enhance the accuracy of the rating systems. The fact that the company implemented the supervisor raters within the Mayo Hotel i...
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