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2 pages/≈550 words
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Health, Medicine, Nursing
Article Critique
English (U.S.)
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Article Critique: Data Analysis

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Article critique Name: Course: Tutor: Date: Article critique The article provides an articulate elaboration of a number of tests performed to identify ways of reducing the risk of incision contamination in cardiac surgery. Tables are well linked with the statistical analysis discussion enhancing the information already present in the discussion. The major variables are collected from the subjects and presented in terms of the mean microbial counts on the area of the incision. Symptoms of any surgical site infections are also closely monitored. The sample size used for the study incorporated three hundred subjects. This is an adequate sample to perform the study. Moreover, the selection of the subjects was randomized across five different study sites. The article provides detailed statistics of the subjects involved in the study. Moreover, the preparation of the sites is described to be standardized to offer a solid basis for qualitative evaluation of the microbial presence at the onset of a surgery and at the end. The post incision and post CABG quantitative data was collected under the same conditions. The level of measurement of the skin sealant group parameters and the control group parameters required parametric statistics. The statistics is well presented in the demographic and baseline characteristics table. Moreover, the quantitative microbiology at pre-skin preparation post-incision as well as post-CABG is also well presented. The microbial counts from the 293 randomly selected were monitored at three different points in the surgical procedure. The sample was divided into two groups for parametric statistical analysis. The Wilcoxon rank test was instrumental in the classification of the subject’s microbial counts at the area of ...
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