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Health, Medicine, Nursing
Article Critique
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Research critique

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"Summary of Major Content Sections of a Research Report and Related Critical Appraisal Guidelines" Name Institution Background and significance The background and significance of the research question or hypothesis is succinctly presented in the introduction of the study. The background has illustrated and comprehensively introduced what is to be covered by the research and study. For instance, the background and significance of the study reveals more on the surgical-site infection, how it has affected a number of subjects between three hundred thousand, and five hundred thousand, who have enrolled for surgery activities. The introduction reveals the previous cases of the surgical problem and limits this to further study. It prompts the research team to tell of the importance of having the study done to test the results previously found from a surgery after finding an antimicrobial dressing containing silver in reducing surgical-site infection upon a study on colorectal cancer elective surgery (Roberto et. al., 2012). Research question and hypothesis The previous surgical study found an antimicrobial dressing containing silver in reducing surgical-site infection upon a study on colorectal cancer elective surgery. The study then hypothesizes to test this finding by use of a randomized and double blind trial. The research question entails all the facets, practical, and concluder remarks to be made between the independent and dependent variables. The research question exemplifies on the causes of this observation found in the study and the way it relates to the efficacy of Aquacel in the prevention of SSIs in colorectal cancer elective surgery. The research question has been placed on the context of theoretical framework. The study is because of the previous study. The aims, goals, and purpose of the study have been substantiated by the need to expound on the previous study findings through use of a different methodology. Review of literature The search stud...
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