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Health, Medicine, Nursing
Article Critique
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NRS433V v10R: Critical Analysis of the Surgical Site Infection

Article Critique Instructions:

Benchmark - Research Critique Part 1
Prepare a critical analysis of a qualitative study focusing on the problem statement, study purpose, research question, literature review, and theoretical framework. This can be one of the selected articles from your previous literature review or a new peer-reviewed article.
The completed analysis should be 1,000-1,250 words and should connect to your identified practice problem of interest.
Refer to "Research Critique Part 1." Questions under each heading should be addressed as a narrative, in the structure of a formal paper.
according to the APA guidelines, An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. 
My identified practice problem was Surgical site infection. One of Article was Sanger, P. C., Hartzler, A., Han, S. M., Armstrong, C. A. L., Stewart, M. R., Lordon, R. J., Lober, W.B, & Evans, H. L. (2014). Patient perspectives on post-discharge surgical site infections: Towards a patient-centered mobile health solution. PLoS ONE, 9(12), 1-14. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0114016.

Article Critique Sample Content Preview:

Critical Analysis of the Surgical Site Infection
Institution of affiliation
Critical Analysis of the Surgical Site Infection
This article aims to critically analyze the problem that instigated the study, the reasons the study was meant to fulfill, the research question that the authors’ applied to achieve, the purpose of the research, the literature review that the authors’ studied and its relationship to the purpose and problem statement, and theoretical framework. The research under analysis was done by Sanger et al (2014) on ‘Patient perspectives on post-discharge surgical site infections: Towards a patient-centered mobile health solution’
Problem statement
The clinical problem identified by Sanger et al. (2014) is that surgical site infections (SIS) are mainly found in patients undergoing abdominal surgical surgery, and it happens to 3-5% of all surgical patients. The authors state that most SSIs occur to post-discharge due to short hospitalization periods. Post-discharge SSI becomes a problem for patients who get out of the hospital and are not prepared to manage the infections. The authors’ review that beyond half of individuals who end up with post discharge SSI require readmission in hospitals. Therefore, Sanger et al. (2014) concludes that SSIs are the costliest healthcare related infections. Additionally, the authors state that non-financial expenses such as decreased quality of life are also experienced. Sanger et al. (2014) review that the change that comes about as a result of the difference found at care given in hospitals and after-discharge care exhibits certain difficulties that are a cause of morbidity among the post-discharge patients. To identify the problem, the authors state that the changes are caused by lack of health care communication, ineffective discharge advice, and sudden decrease in wound assessment. For the reasons stated, one can argue that the SSIs are aggravated by the patient’s lack of knowledge about them and lack of sufficient follow-ups. By identifying the problem, the authors suggest that Mobile health (mHealth) is a workable ideology that can be used to improve healthcare services for post-discharge SSI patients.
Study purpose
The authors argue that smartphones have high-quality cameras and have the capability to access the internet. Therefore, they provide a platform where multimedia services can be used to achieve real time communication services and collect clinical data (Sanger et al., 2014). The fact that many patients have developed an interest in technology has led to a majority of them embracing technological health management. A review of statistics by Sanger et al. (2014) shows that 56% of adult citizens in the US owns a smartphone. Sixty-nine percent of the individuals owning smartphones engaged in using, at least, one health indicator (Sanger et al., 2014). Sanger et al. (2014) argument about these facts shows that the purpose of the study was to gather knowledge to enhance the understanding of how patients experience SSI after undergoing surgery and also to figure how health can improve the patients’ health experience. The purpose of the study was significant based on the review provided by the authors.
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