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The Smart Home

Other (Not Listed) Instructions:

First of, this is like a group project. The topic is "Smart Home". 
"Write a minimum 1500 words paper describing
a. What your topic is.
b. What sparked your interest in this topic to want to write about it.
c. What is the historical background of your topic.
e. What changes has your technological topic made to the humankind’s experience in terms of academics, economic advantacement, people’s personal and professional lives."
Assignment :
Mine is part D. just describe the advantages and disadvantages of "Smart Home" I would like you to talk about goods in a small paragraph first, then make a bullet point about smart homes. Also, same thing for what are not good about smart home in a small paragraph, then make a bullet.
Thank you,

Other (Not Listed) Sample Content Preview:
The Smart Home
There are many things that you can do with a smart home such as setting your favorite music playing and the lights dimmed or watching what your teenage kid is doing at home online from wherever you are. According to Craven, a smart house is a house that has a highly advanced automatic systems for lighting, temperature control, multi-media, security, window and door operations, and many other functions (Craven 2). This paper discusses the topic about a smart home.
There are a number of advantages that relates to smart homes including;
* First it helps us to understand the things that you can do in a smart house. With a smart home, you don’t worry about things like; did I turn off the hallway light, or coffee maker or did I set the security alarm off? With a smart home, you just pull out your smart phone or your work computer, visit the Internet, and control your house.
* With a smart home, one can practically network anything ranging from gates to home appliances such as refrigerator, heaters and microwave, to audio and video devices, such as receivers, DVD players and TVs (Briere and Hurley 4).
* A network is important because it allows a person to access the Internet from anywhere in your home (Leslie 5). With the network, one can remotely control his or her home. This makes the daily life convenient.
* Another advantage is that with a smart home, one can save money on communication costs and other expenses. With a home network, for instance, both you and your spouse can connect to the Internet on separate computers while sharing one line and account.
* Additionally, the home network can save you money on home expenses. Some examples of this are turning down your thermostats while you’re on vacation, cuddling under your blankets, or turning off lights automatically, which over time will save you money on your heating, cooling, and electric bills (Craven 3).
* Besides offering an enhanced energy-efficiency, smart homes offers convenience to the lives of people. This is one of the main reasons why people install the smart systems in their homes. Smart homes give users remote access to systems including heating and cooling systems (Craven 3)
First, it is important to note that smart home relies on Internet connection and lack or poor Internet connection can cause poor or dysfunction of smart products in a smart house. Additionally, interruption of wireless signals can cause the smart products to fail or to function slowly. Some of the disadvantages of a smart home are as follows;
* First, security can be compromised. The interconnectedness in your house uses mobile apps connecting them to cloud-based servers which has the risk of being accessed by hackers. Web cameras might be sneaked by snoopers using the same camera the owner uses to keep it secure. Criminals may hack into internet locks and unlocked and have unauthorized control of your house’s networked smart products. This means that the more the development of smart devices, the more the possibility of unauthorized entry points into our homes
(Leslie 2).
* Another disadvantage is the high cost of installing the advanced features inside a hom...
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