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Health, Medicine, Nursing
Article Critique
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Analysis and Application of Clinical Practice Guidelines

Article Critique Instructions:

Hi this is a analysis and critique of clinical guideline that is pertinent in the area where I work (I work at a urgent care and emergency room). I am adding a template and also some government websites for your review and choice. One guideline I liked was the maintaining of weight for adult and children and also Influenza treatment? I am not sure if you have one but They also want the URL to be added in the reference page. Anyways your work has always been great.
You will develop a summary that you could use within an evidence-based practice (EBP) committee or related venue to share with your colleagues. This paper will be 2-4 pages in length.
• Select a clinical practice guidelines that addresses an issue pertinent to your practice setting.
• Search the literature and evidence-based practice websites and databases to find a recent clinical practice guideline (no more than 5 years) related to the issue you select. The course Webliography provides websites where you can find clinical practice guidelines, but there are many others available in specialty-organization websites.
• Analyze and critique the clinical practice guideline. Use the Clinical Practice Guideline Summary Template in Course Resources to develop your paper. Components include:
o scope and purpose of the clinical practice guidelines;
o stakeholder involvement;
o rigor of development;
o clarity and presentation
o applicability
o editorial independence
• Attach URL address of the Clinical Practice Guidelines on the reference page of your paper.

Article Critique Sample Content Preview:

Analysis and Application Clinical Practice Guideline
Jesse Suarez
Chamberlain College of Nursing
NR 505: Advance Research Methods
Acute Pain Clinical Practice Guideline
Clinical practice guidelines (CPG) are multidisciplinary blueprints that guide best clinical practices for specified patient populations with a particular diagnosis(Amorin-Woods, Beck, Parkin, Lougheed, &Bremner, 2014).They additionally aid in the coordination and delivery of high-quality care.The guidelines are therefore documented sequentially through clinical interventions that help patients with specified conditions progressively through well-structured clinical experiences that achieve the desired outcomes. Predominantly, clinical practice guidelines are clinical audit tools that are based on clinical information that provides nurses with the opportunity to incorporate collaborative practice and team management procedures that maximize their expertise in multiple disciplines. This paper seeks to analyze an effective clinical practice guidelineACR Appropriateness Criteria® pediatric Hodgkin lymphoma that addresses pain management in children suffering from Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL).
Scope and Purpose of the Clinical Practice Guideline
Leukemia is a cancer of the white blood cells. All blood cells are produced and developed in the bone marrow, considered as a spongy substance found within the core of some bones in the body(Oscier et al, 2012). The bone marrow clearly contains red blood cells, which are tasked with carrying oxygen around the body, platelets, which help in the clotting of blood and in controlling bleeding, and the white blood cells that assist in the fight off infections. Two types of white blood cells include the lymphocytes and the myeloid cells. These white blood cells, therefore, work in preventing and fighting diseases and infections. Under normal circumstances, the white blood cells are known for their capacity to develop, repair, and reproduce themselves in an orderly manner. In Leukemia, the process gets out of hand, an aspect that results in the cells continuing to divide in the bone marrow and failing to mature. The immature divided cell, therefore, fills up the bone marrow, hence making it difficult in producing healthy blood cells(Choi, Kim, Chung, Ahn, Yoo, Park, & ... Oh, 2014).
The immaturity of the divided cells lacks the capacity to work properly, thus leading to increased risks of infections. Most hospitalized children suffering from ALL, in this case, undergo several procedures in managing pain that range from born marrow biopsies and aspirates, venipuncture and the insertion of intravenous catheters, operations, lumbar punctures, cardiac cauterizations, and dressing changes, with these interventions resultant to acute pains. In developing effective clinical practice guidelines that address the element of severe pain in children suffering from ALL, pain assessment and management remains a critical factor (Choi et al. 2014). A holistic approach in nursing, therefore, supports the need to establish a comprehensive clinical practice guideline to pain and its effects on all aspects of a patient and caregiver’s lives. Given this, an ongoing and thorough pain management procedure...
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